Wednesday 7 January 2015

Art Deco

Art Deco has its roots set in paris in the beginning of the 20th century. this started of as a reaction opposing the floral, organic and flowing lines of art nouveau which was at the top of it’s game at the turn of the century. Bold colours and straight clean cut lines became popular amongst designer and artists alike in contrast to the pastel shades and swirly lines from a Art Nouveau.Cubism which began as early as 1907 and introduced two dimensional geometric forms and bold colours had a great impact on Art Deco.A new kind of architecture was also being formed thanks to the strong influence of architects like Charles rennie mackintosh and Frank lloyd wright who had moved further away from Victorian architecture and ran with their modernist ideas. 
Chrysler Building 1928 - Architect William Van Alen
Egyptian culture massively influenced Art deco’s characteristics, this all came about with the discovery of Tuthankhamun’s tomb in 1922 by Howard Carter. Elements from Egyptian culture which influenced the style included; the large columns, the scarab beetle motif,  bright colours and gold details.
1920's Art Deco head piece - influenced by Egyptian jewellery

The fashion world was one of the most heavily influenced sectors and also an extremely important force in Art Deco, for the first time  the fashion industry was undergoing some massive changes. After the first world war women became more independent and also joined the work force which was earlier dominated by men, as a result of this practical yet glamorous clothes were in high demand in order for their lifestyle not to be restricted. Coco Chanel was one of the leading designers at the time who was at the helm of embracing classic, uncluttered and clean straight lines. At the same time Paul Poiret was creating more dramatic designs catering for women with more exotic taste in clothing and wanted to make a statement with their garments, his garments are strongly influenced by oriental clothing.

1920's - suits by Coco Chanel
Paul Poiret with one of his designs 


New York Fine Art Photography, Photos, Prints, Stock Images by James Maher. 2015. New York Fine Art Photography, Photos, Prints, Stock Images by James Maher. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 07 January 2015].

Art Deco - A Revolution of Design & Style for the Modern Age | The Culture Concept Circle. 2015. Art Deco - A Revolution of Design & Style for the Modern Age | The Culture Concept Circle. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 07 January 2015].

. 2015. . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 07 January 2015].

. 2015. . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 07 January 2015].

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