Friday 30 January 2015

Pop Design : Blow Chair by Zanotta

Blow chair - Zanotta
I thought the blow chair would be the most suitable example in order to communicate properly the times of pop design in the 1960’s.  The blow chairs characteristics are very similar to that of the period of time as it was instant in the sense that it could easily be inflated and deflated, It was certainly disposable in the sense that it wasn't a permanent piece of furniture and one would certainly not own it all their life. The chair was certainly appealing to the youthful market appearing at this time who were very eager to purchase the newest in thing and innovative products. The ability to create inflatable furniture was a breakthrough in these times and was only attainable because of discoveries in techniques and materials. The excitement of this new fun product meant instant success for Zanotta the italian furniture manufacturing company, obviously the chair being a cheap product to buy also helped in it’s appeal. 

The blow up chair was designed by four italian architects, they all attended the same school in Milan in the 1960’s. They all specialised in temporary structures and furniture design which meant the chair was a great breakthrough for them. The group also later designed a series of inflatable building in Japan for a world fair in 1970.

The chair was made possible thanks to a new technology which was discovered and made use of high frequency PVC welding which meant there was no other material involved to join the materials putting the seams under constant strain when the product was being used.

The designers of the chair were answering to a society who wanted fast thrills and instant satisfaction, a time were people wanted furniture of different use and that was not made to last. Zanotta made the clever decision to sell the chair in a flat pack box so that the used would just go home and be excited to blow up their latest acquirement. The chair was prone to puncture that it was sold with a repair kit and people were more than happy to just throw i away and replace it once worn.

The blow up chair definitely contains elements of various Modernist chairs but is mostly reminiscent of Eileen Gray’s bibendum chair which she had designed for Susanne Talbot a french socialite in 1933.

This design and realisation of this new technology led to many companies replicating this design and also applying it to different sectors mostly pool furniture and toys.

Eileen Gray - Bibendum Chair 1933
Blow chair - Zanotta


ZANOTTA Design. 2015. ZANOTTA Design. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 30 January 2015].

Blow Lounger | Zanotta | Shop. 2015. Blow Lounger | Zanotta | Shop. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 30 January 2015].

Two Pooped-out Pop Chairs: What is the Future for our Plastic Collections? - Victoria and Albert Museum. 2015. Two Pooped-out Pop Chairs: What is the Future for our Plastic Collections? - Victoria and Albert Museum. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 30 January 2015].

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